

Magnetic Marble Run with Plastic Bottles and Milk Jug Handles

Here's an easy to make homemade marble run you and your kids can make.

plastic bottles
gallon plastic milk jugs
electrical tape
strong magnets
craft glue that adheres to plastic.

Choose uniform size plastic bottles.
Remove labels and wash.
 Cut bottles and milk jug handles.

Add tape to cover sharp edges, decorate, and conceal the magnets.
Glue on magnets and let dry overnight.

 Here's a video of the Plastic Bottle and Milk Jug Handle Marble run.

All three of my kids ages 10, 10, an 12 are having fun with the plastic bottle marble run. They like to combine the plastic bottle marble run with another marble run we made.

Both marble runs were made for a local children's museum without walls event. Our local children's museum doesn't have a building yet. A steering committee is currently working towards its mission by getting out to the community with mobile exhibits at various venues and raising funds to make the dream of a children's museum in Billings, Montana a reality. Check out Wise Wonder's Facebook page, and if you live in Billings be looking for many local events to engage your children's curious, creative, and scientific minds through playful learning.
These marble runs and other playful learning activities will be available for play and exploration February 1, 2014 from 10am - 4pm at the Family Life Expo at the Metra Park Pavilion in Billings, Montana.

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